Neurotheology and Mobilization

You become like whoever you attach yourself to. You will become like who you love.
— David Jacob

In this special episode of the podcast, Dave dives into the incredible relationship between neurotheology and mobilization. Neurotheology is a relatively new field of study that investigates how our brains are shaped and transformed by religious experiences. Out of this study comes the significance of attachment (see John 15). Further, as we examine the science that forms attachments, we see that the most important tool for mobilizing may be right in front of us - mentorship. 

Listen in to learn more about your own brain and how God has uniquely positioned you to mobilize more missionaries to the field! 

Show Notes:

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Topics Discussed:

  • What is neurotheology? 

  • How do our brains form spiritually?

  • How has God designed us to develop character and other behaviors?

  • How can neurotheology and attachment help us mobilize more missionaries?

Mobilizing the Hispanic Church with Yesenia Mojarro

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Topics Discussed:

  • How did God call you into missions work?

  • What changes have you have seen in the sending practices of the Assemblies of God Florida district?

  • Tell us about your research on mobilizing the Hispanic church.

  • What are some best practices you have discovered for mobilizing the Hispanic church?

  • What are some resources you have found helpful for mobilizing the Hispanic community?

On today’s show, Dave is interviewing Yesenia Mojarro about how to mobilize the Hispanic Church. Yesenia is a grad student at Trinity Graduate School (ND), currently researching how to best mobilize the Hispanic community in America for global missions.

Dave and Yesenia examine some of the unique barriers and benefits that go with mobilization in the Hispanic Church. To accompany these things, Yesenia describes the testimony of God’s calling on her life and His faithfulness throughout the years. Tune in to discover some great resources for mobilizing the Hispanic Church and to hear about how He is working right now in this community!

Show Notes:

Mobilizing Teens with Larry Fox and Dennis Washington

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On today’s show, Dave is talking with Larry Fox and Dennis Washington about how and why to mobilize teenagers for missions. Larry and Dennis work or have worked with NAAMC (The National African American Missions Council) and are influential voices in the area of mobilizing young people toward the mission field.

Dave, Larry, and Dennis break down some of the barriers that have hindered teen mobilization in the past. In addition, you will hear some testimonies of how partnership, prayer, and discipleship can turn into teenagers who are passionate about global missions. Each person has a role to fill in mobilizing our young people, and today’s episode is a great resource to help discover yours!

Topics Discussed:

  • Why should we focus on mobilizing teens?

  • What are some of the common barriers to teen involvement in global missions and how can we solve these?

  • Can you share with us some success stories about mobilizing teenagers?

  • Give us some best practices for mobilizing teens more effectively.

  • If you worked for a missions agency, what advice would you have for the agency mobilizers in regards to mobilizing teenagers?

  • What types of resources and events does NAAMC offer for teens or those wanting to mobilize teens?

Show Notes:

Your Part in God's Story with Steve Addison

Do you ever wonder how you can help people discover their part in the Great Commission? Listen in as Dave chats with Steve Addison, a catalyst for movements that multiply disciples and churches everywhere. Steve is an author, speaker, podcaster, and mentor to movement pioneers. His latest book, Your Part in God's Story: 40 Days from Genesis to Revelation was just released last month. In this discussion Dave talks with Steve about how the Scripture is an incredible mobilizer when read as one story. Check out this episode today to understand what Your Part in God's Story is and how you can help others discover theirs!

Topics Discussed:

1.  Why did you write this book?

2.  What’s the format?

3.  Why was it important to you to review the grand narrative of Scriptures vs. focusing only on the New Testament for example?

4.  Give us some examples of the studies.

5.  How can mobilizers, missions pastors, or other listeners use this in a group setting with those they're discipling?

6.  How did writing this book change you?

Mobilizing Prayer with Kevin Senapatiratne

The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.
— Andrew Murray

On today's show, Dave interviews Kevin Senapatiratne, founder of Christ Connection and member of America's National Prayer Committee. Kevin grew up as a missionary kid and now travels and teaches on praying for the world. You'll hear the lessons he learned as he met with international prayer and missions leaders in Herrnhut, Germany. Kevin and Dave also discussed:

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  • Best practices that will assist you to mobilize people to pray for the nations

  • The Moravians and the important connection they had between prayer and missions

  • How you can be involved in the International Day for the Unreached on May 23rd, 2021

Show Notes:

Using Film to Mobilize with Peter Craig

On today's episode, Dave has a conversation with Peter Craig, the executive director of Moving Works, a ministry that creates open source short films to tell the world about Jesus and mobilize more missionaries. Before God led him to start Moving Works, Peter was an independent filmmaker and screenwriter writing projects for Sony Pictures, NBC Universal, and Walden Media.

Dave and Peter discuss why film is a great tool and how to best use it to mobilize others. You'll also hear Josiah's story about how he came to be a missionary in the Amazon basin following in the footsteps of his late father.

Watch the full interview here!

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Show Links Coming Soon!

Defining Missions with Denny Spitters & Matthew Ellison

Today, Dave talks with Denny Spitters and Matthew Ellison. Denny and Matthew are the authors of When Everything is Missions and editors of the companion text titled, Conversations on When Everything is Missions.

The discussion revolves around the danger of labeling everything as missions in the church and understanding how important it is to grasp accurate terminology. They examine Acts 1:8 and the problem with “your Jerusalem” terminology as well as how mobilization is hindered when we lose sight of a correct definition of missions.

Some topics discussed on the show:

1. Why did you write, When Everything is Missions?
2. How did the companion book, Conversations on When Everything is Missions come about?
3. Who are some of the contributing authors?
4. How do we as mobilizers and missions pastors correct the narrative that everything is missions?
5. Please share with us some testimonies about how pastors/churches shifted their definition of missions and the results of that.
6. If our listeners would like to purchase the book or learn more about this topic, how can they do that?

Spiritual Warfare & Mobilization with Dick Brogden

On this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave has a conversation with Dick Brogden. Brogden has been an Assemblies of God World Missionary since 1992, and is the co-founder of the Live Dead Movement. He is the author of the recent book, Missionary God, Missionary Bible: A One-Year, Missions-Centered, Chronological Reading of the Bible.

Dave and Dick discuss how spiritual warfare impacts mobilization and the challenges that the enemy uses to hinder those who are called to serve overseas. This episode is a reminder that mobilizers, missionaries, and students will face spiritual adversities when fulfilling the Great Commission, but that there are boundless eternal rewards that will be received.

Here are some of the questions discussed:

1. How would you define spiritual warfare and can you give us an example of it occurring in your work?

2. One aspect of spiritual warfare is our battle with sin. In a recent blog post you wrote, "A primary theater of spiritual warfare is in our heads and thoughts." Can you elaborate on that?

3.  We know there are fewer single men missionaries than single women missionaries. In your opinion, why is this and what’s the spiritual warfare component here?

4. What is the role of suffering in spiritual warfare?

5. How does prayer, Bible reading, and worship assist us as we deal with spiritual warfare?

6. What other tools might we use to combat the plans of the enemy?

7. The enemy battles against us sending more missionaries. What advice would you have to encourage those in a spiritual battle right now as they work to mobilize others?

Helping Others Enjoy the Bible with Matthew Mullins

Do I really enjoy the Bible?

On this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, the topic being discussed is, "Helping Others Enjoy the Bible." Dave interviews Matthew Mullins, an English and History professor at Southeastern Baptist Seminary. You will hear how to help people love the Bible--and it may help you fall in love with God's Word all over again too! This episode will encourage mobilizers because enjoying and reading the Bible is vital for the growth of missions!

Here are some of the questions Dave asked Matthew:

1.     Why did you decide to write this book, Enjoying the Bible?

2.     How does reading the Bible as literature help us enjoy it more?

3.     How does emotion play into our understanding of the Bible?

4.     You have a chapter titled, “Reading with Our Guts.” What do you mean by that?

5.     Can you give us some practical ways to change our approach to reading the Scriptures?

6.     In the afterward of your book, you write about the importance of reading aloud. Can you share some reasons why reading aloud is beneficial?

Overcoming the Porn Problem: A Former Missionary's Story

Our topic today is: Overcoming the Porn Problem, and this being a sensitive topic, we suggest that children not be present as you listen to the show.

In this episode, Dave talks with former missionary, Jen. Jen shares her heart-wrenching personal story about how pornography shattered her marriage and impacted her family's ministry on the field. Jen expounds on how mobilizers can help mentor someone who is struggling with pornography. Through Jen's story of restoration and healing she leaves listeners with the reminder that the pandemic of pornography in society must be stopped.

Show Links:

Trinity Bible College and Graduate School

James 1:14-15 (NIV)

When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography: Healing Your Wounded Heart by Vicki Tiede

Porn Stats (2018 Edition) - Covenant Eyes

Job 31 (NIV)

"The Dead End of Sexual Sin" by Rosaria Butterfield

What Can I Do About Me? by Rhyll Anne Croshaw

Pastor Addicted to Pornography - Focus on the Family

"I'm a Pastor Struggling with Porn. What Do I Do?" - Austin Savage

Covenant Eyes

"Has Porn Already Broken My Future Marriage?" - Interview with John Piper

"How Porn Is Sidelining Missionaries" by Greg Handley

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Six Ways to Serve as Senders with Neal Pirolo

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How can churches and agencies send and sustain more missionaries? On this episode of the podcast, Dave talks with Neal Pirolo. Neal is the founding director of Emmaus Road International, an educational resource for Third Millennium Missions. He's written five books on missions and has ministered in more than fifty nations. This episode will equip you and your team with six practical ways to involve the whole congregation in caring for your missionaries!

Show Links:

Assemblies of God World Missions

Emmaus Road International

Serving As Senders ~ Today by Neal Pirolo

The Reentry Team: Caring for Your Returning Missionaries by Neal Pirolo

Trinity Bible College & Graduate School

Missionaries in an Age of Global Christianity with Dr. Todd Johnson

How has missions-sending shifted? Are missionaries still going to places where the church already exists? In this episode of the podcast, Dave has a conversation with Dr. Todd M. Johnson.

Johnson is the co-director of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and the co-author of the World Christian Encyclopedia (2nd and 3rd editions).

This episode is packed with relevant research that will assist you and your team in strategic planning for mobilizing more missionaries.

Some of the questions discussed:

  1. What significant geographical missionary-sending and receiving changes have occurred in the last 20-50 years?

  2. What are some of the reasons why most missionaries go to places where the church already exists?

  3. How can missionaries sent from the West better partner with our brothers and sisters from the Global South?

  4. Do you have any data on U.S. churches ministering cross-culturally to the diaspora in the States?

  5. What might need to shift in missionary training as we prepare students for the changing landscape of the missions field?

The Marketplace and Mobilization with Phillip Henry of Nations Coffee

How could your passion or your business help mobilize more missionaries?

In this episode of The Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave Jacob has a conversation with Phillip Henry, the founder of Nations Coffee, a business that seeks to connect people's love for coffee with a passion for the evangelization of Unreached Peoples. Phillip shares his story of how he is using his coffee business to support organizations that reach Unreached Peoples. Also, we announce a new partnership with Nations Coffee. If you are ready to percolate some ideas, grab a cup of coffee and check out this episode!

Some of the topics discussed:

1.  Phillip's previous work with the Navigators.

2.  How a Perspectives course impacted his spiritual journey.

3. The vision and mission of Nations Coffee.

4. The partnership between a Nations Coffe and The Center for Missionary Mobilization & Retention is announced. Nations Coffee and The Center for Missionary and Retention Partnership

5. Other ministries that partner with Nations Coffee.

6. The future vision for Nations Coffee.

7. How your ministry might partner with Nations Coffee.

Mobilizing People to the Unreached with Dr. Marvin Newell

Some of the topics discussed:

1. How did the Alliance for the Unreached begin?

2. Why the focus on unreached people groups?

3. Some missions leaders have taken the position that we shouldn't focus on unreached people groups. How should we respond to them?

4. How can mobilizers, missionaries, and mission pastors utilize some of the Alliance's resources?

5. How can churches and mission agencies partner with the Alliance?

6. What's the future vision for the Allisnce for the Unreached?

Show Links:

Support the Center for Missionary Mobilization & Retention

Missio Nexus

Alliance for the Unreached

A Third of Us

Advocates for the Unreached

Assemblies of God World Missions

Did you know that a third of humanity has no access to the gospel? If you were born into an unreached people group, would you want missionaries to prioritize ministry to the unreached? Why does nearly 97% of the world's missionaries go to places where the church already exists? Listen in as Dave has a conversation with Dr. Marvin Newell.

Dr. Newell is the newly-appointed Executive Director of Alliance for the Unreached and staff missiologist for Missio Nexus, a network of evangelical mission agencies, churches, and training centers in North America. Previously he served as a missionary to Indonesia. Marv is the author of four mission-related books and holds a Doctorate of Missiology degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

In this episode, your faith will be challenged to remember those who do not have access to the gospel and the importance of mobilizing missionaries to these unreached people groups. The 2021 International Day for the Unreached is May 23, 2021.

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The Missionary as Mobilizer with Brett & Alyson Haynes

Are missionaries one of the most underutilized mobilization catalysts? Does the research support the fact that missionaries are the best mobilizers?

Today on the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave has a conversation with Brett & Alyson Haynes. Brett & Alyson serve with SEND International in the southern part of Romania. Working on a church-planting team, they are helping to mobilize believers both from Romania and from the States.

Here are the topics they discussed:

1) Research on the topic of missionaries as mobilizers.

2) How missionaries can mobilize from the field.

3) Best practices for missionaries to mobilize believers from their passport country.

4) What needs to change so that missionaries can be better mobilizers.

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Mobilizing African Americans with Marilyn Owusu-sekyere

I thought people like me didn’t go because I am black and all the missionaries that came to my church were white.

Are you curious about the role of African Americans in missions? In this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave talks with Marilyn Owusu-Sekyere, an AGWM African American missionary to Togo in West Africa. Listen as Marilyn shares how God called her to the mission field and how she's mobilizing others. She discusses ways missionaries, mobilizers, and pastors can better mobilize African Americans to the mission field. This episode will inspire and equip you to more effectively mobilize African Americans and other people of color.

Some of the questions Dave asked our guest were:

1. Can you talk about the current state of the African American church's involvement in world missions?

2. Why are there so few African American missionaries?

3. Can you share a story from your itineration where God used you to speak into a person's life about their role in the Great Commission?

4. What are some things mobilizers, missionaries, & pastors can do to mobilize the African American church?

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The Sending God, The Sending Church, and You, with Steve Beirn

How can churches send well? What do the Scriptures have to say about sending? In this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave talks with Steve Beirn. Steve is the Global Ministries Pastor at Calvary Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and has also served on the board of TEAM for 18 years. Steve is the author of "Well Sent: Reimagining the Church's Missionary-Sending Process." His desire is to be a support and encouragement to missions practitioners within the local church. In this inspiring episode, Steve provides practical insights on how churches can be healthy senders.

Some of the questions Dave asked our guest:

  1. In your book, Well Sent, you write about the process of sending & how it is heavily emphasized in the Scriptures. Could you elaborate on that?

  2. What kind of sending does Matthew 28:18-20 imply?

  3. What is significant to learn about the sending community of Acts 13:1-3?

  4. What are the characteristics of a healthy sending church?

  5. When it comes to missions & sending, how can churches be inactive, reactive, or proactive?

Mobilizing the Mission Field into a Missions Force with Reuben Kachala

Today, Dave has a conversation with Reuben Kachala. Reuben is a Malawian former missionary to India and an ordained minister with the Malawi Assemblies of God. He is a full-time missions mobilizer working with Frontier Missions International, a mission-sending organization which he co-founded with his wife in 2015. Frontier Missions International has a vision of turning Malawi and Africa from a mission field into a mission force. Reuben shares how important prayer is in mobilization, and he explains how those trained in ministry need to have training in mobilization. In this episode, you will be inspired to see Africa and other mission fields equipped in the global mission force to finish the Great Commission task among all peoples. 

Questions discussed in this episode:

1. What is the role of prayer in missions mobilization?

2. What has happened with the recent presidential election in Malawi?

3. What is the history of missions & mobilization in Malawi?

4. How can missionaries who are already on the mission field mobilize the people they are reaching into missions? 

5. What do agencies and Bible colleges need to change about how they prepare missionaries for the field?

6. How can western missionaries best partner with the mobilization efforts of those in the global South?   

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Mobilizing People with Impairments with Dave Deuel

How is God using people with impairments on the mission field? That’s a question most of us probably haven’t thought about, but it’s the topic of today’s episode. Listen as host David Jacob talks with Dave Deuel, Senior Research Fellow and Policy Advisor for Joni and Friends and advocate for people with disabilities at the U.N. They discuss the book Dr. Deuel co-edited titled, Disability in Mission: The Church's Hidden Treasure, and how mobilizing people with impairments just might be something we are overlooking.

Here are some of the questions we considered:

1.   What's your role at Joni and Friends and how did that come about?

2.   Can you help us understand the distinction between the terms, "disability" and "impairments"?

3.   Please share a couple of stories about how God is using people with impairments on the missions field.

4.   What about short-term trips? How have people with impairments participated?

5.   In your book, what are some of the common themes you discovered about how God uses disability in missions?

6.   What needs to shift in missions mobilization to make room for those with impairments?

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The Future of Missions Mobilization with Savannah Kimberlin

Today, David has a conversation with Barna Group's Director of Published Research, Savannah Kimberlin. Savannah shares some of the recent research published inThe Future of Missions. She discusses the relevant findings that Barna has discovered about the next generation of potential missionaries, and shares factors that will help increase a believer's involvement in missions. This episode will inspire you to communicate more effectively with Gen Z and Millennials. 

Some of the Topics Discussed:

1. Barna just recently published some research on the future of missions. Can tell us how this project came about?

2. How does the decline of attendance impact the future of missions mobilization?

3. Your research found there are certain factors that increase a person's involvement in missions. Can you unpack that a little bit for us?

4. How are parents influencing missions mobilization?

5. In The Future of Missions you talk about a group of young adults you’ve named “supportive skeptics.” Can you tell us about this group?

6. What did your study discover with regards to the younger generations serving in missions?

7. What advice would you have for mobilizers and mission pastors as they endeavor to mobilize others?

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