Mobilizing People of Color with Sophia Wang

Why is having representation of diverse racial groups in global missions so important? What are some of the missions mobilization factors affecting people of color today? How can we mobilize more people of color? Listen to this episode as Dave has a conversation with Sophia Wang, SEND International's Diversity Advocate & Ethnic Partnerships Coordinator. Dave & Sophia discuss the difficulty of the U.S. racial context and share ideas to help mobilizers diversify the workforce sent into His harvest fields. 

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In the Office: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at a Mobilizer's Ministry

On today's episode, Dave has a conversation with Justin from Cafe 1040. Cafe 1040 is a missions organization whose goal is to lead a generation to tell the story of Jesus where its never been heard before. Justin shares ideas on how missions mobilizers can stay organized to help foster relationships. He also provides insights on what "MIssions Influencers" can do to send future missionaries.

Here are some of the questions we discussed:
-How is your mobilization team structured?
-Can you talk about the difference between recruitment and mobilization?
-How do you stay organized and follow-up well with contacts you meet at an event?
-You also work with what you call "MIssions Influencers." Can you tell us more about that?
-What advice would you give to the missionary who is just coming off the field to serve as a mobilizer?  

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The Role of Spiritual Adventure in Mobilization with Jacob Jester

Show Notes: - Africa Cause Instagram - I Want to Be a Missionary - MA - ITCS More Details

How can we help others discover their role in the Great Commission? Listen to Dave have a conversation with Jacob Jester, a mobilizer with Africa Cause. Jacob helps us understand the importance of spiritual adventure in mobilizing the younger generations, and he passionately explains how to live out your own spiritual adventure. This episode will mobilize not only your heart for the next generation but will challenge you to call out the spiritual adventure in others. 

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Reflections of a Missions Pastor: How One Church Shifted their Global Engagement Paradigm

Why would a missions pastor cancel his missions committee meetings for 18 months?  Listen in as Dave has a conversation with Matthew Philip, who provides leadership to the global engagement impulse of Trinity Church in Lansing, Michigan. In this episode, Matthew explains why he stopped these meetings, what God did in his church, and how partnerships played a significant role. 

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Behind the Mic: How a Mobilization Ministry Began with David Jacob

Do you ever wonder how ministries start? Is God speaking to you about creating something new? Listen in as Dave Jacob, the founder, and director of the Center for Missionary Mobilization & Retention talks with Tim Jacobson, marketing and project coordinator for the Center, about how this missions mobilization ministry began. As Dave shares the story behind the formation of the Center, you'll hear how God used an unqualified, ordinary guy with an idea he couldn't shake. Dave also discusses a new mobilization resource coming out next year and a free grad class for missionaries. What crazy Kingdom idea might God be speaking to you about?

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Mobilizing Missionaries for Africa with Cathrine & Vidar Ligard

On this episode of the podcast, Dave has a conversation with Cathrine and Vidar Ligard. The Ligards are the founders and executive directors of the Safari Mission. They are passionate about reversing the dependency syndrome that plagues Africa. They teach people to break the cycle of poverty by combining academic rigor and spiritual discipline. Their goal is to mobilize the local community in Africa, as well as equip future missionaries that feel called to serve there. The Ligards share some of the challenges with short-term missions and give a reminder of the importance of understanding history when preparing people for the field. 

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What Mobilized You? with Jordy Nuñez

Have you ever wondered how God calls missionaries? Listen to Dave have a conversation with Assemblies of God World Missionary to Estonia, Jordy Nuñez. Jordy's story is one that involves prayer, education, his church, and a whole lot of coffee! Jordy shares some of the challenges he faced as he considered serving as a missionary. Through his story and passion, Jordy hopes the younger generations and minority communities fulfill their important role in the Great Commission.

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Maximizing Digital Mobilization with David Joannes & Guest Co-host Kanita Benson

Dave Jacob and special guest co-host Kanita Benson have a conversation with David Joannes, founder and president of Within Reach Global, the host of the Missions Pulse podcast, and the author of The Mind of a Missionary and The Space Between Memories. They discuss the importance of mobilization in the digital world during these trying times, as well as how to effectively use resources and technology to mobilize the next generation of missionaries. Joannes provides tips that can help mobilizers, pastors, and missionaries use social media more efficiently, and how mobilization should not be hindered during a pandemic.

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Mobilizing Prayer for the Buddhist World with Mark Durene

How does prayer mobilize others? On today's episode, Dave has a conversation with Mark Durene, who's a big fan of Change The Map, a prayer initiative for the Buddhist world. Mark shares how prayer mobilizes missionaries to the field, and he discusses the importance of focused prayer for Buddhists. This episode is a reminder of the power of prayer, not only for the Buddhist people, but as an important component of mobilization as well.

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Overcoming Six Mobilization Obstacles with Bevin Ginder

On this episode, Dave has a conversation with Bevin Ginder, founder of GlobalCAST resources. Bevin shares six obstacles that hinder missions mobilization and discusses how to overcome these barriers. Tune in to hear his analogies to better understand these challenges. Bevin's insights will help listeners succeed in their mobilization efforts.

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The Motive for Missions: Why the Grand Narrative of Scripture is Vital for Mobilization with Matt Newkirk

On today's episode, Dave talks with Matt Newkirk, president and professor of Old Testament at Christ Bible Seminary in Nagoya, Japan and author of Fill the Earth: The Creation Mandate and the Church's Call to Missions. Matt shares the meta-narrative of missions in the Bible, and why this knowledge is essential for missions mobilization. This episode reminds listeners of the importance of comprehending the entirety of Scripture.

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Perseverance in Missionary Mobilization with Doug Gehman

How can mobilizers help develop perseverance in those God is calling to the field? In this episode, Dave talks with Doug Gehman, the president and executive director of Globe International and the author of the recently published book titled, Before You Quit. Doug shares how to endure when challenges arise. He reminds listeners not to quit and shares practical steps for how mobilizers can encourage those who are struggling during these challenging times. This episode will remind listeners to not give up on the dreams and plans God has for their lives. 

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Leading Missions at a Multisite Church with Nathan Sloan

Listen as Dave talks with Nathan Sloan about churches mobilizing their congregations, particularly in regards to multisite churches. Nathan is the Pastor of Sending at Sojourn Chuch Midtown in Louisville, KY and is also the Director of Church Consulting at the Upstream Collective. Nathan explains how multisite churches can steward programs to help their congregations engage in global missions. He describes the urgency of mobilizing the church and the complexities of global missions with multisite churches.

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Designing Experiential Mobilization Opportunities with Garrett Freier

Show Notes:  
Email Garrett:
Social Media - Gfreier 

How can we create experiences that help mobilize more believers to the mission field? Listen in as Dave talks with Garrett Freier, the Vice President of Experiential Learning at Trinity Bible College & Graduate School. Garrett and Dave share some of Trinity's experiential learning opportunities and provide some ideas on how churches, agencies, and schools can create missional experiences that help mobilize future missionaries. 

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Free Mobilization Training: The On Mission Virtual Conference with Michael VanHuis

Michael VanHuis discusses this year's On Mission virtual conference held on March 11, 2020. Michael also shares other resources that Missio Nexus will be offering in the future. Join David and Michael as they discuss great resources that help churches, mobilizers, and mission organizations engage in the Great Commission. 

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Show Notes:
Missio Nexus:
On Mission Virtual Conference Registration:
Missio Nexus Missiographics:
Missions Leader Conference:

Read a Transcript of this Episode

Mentoring Future Missionaries: How the Church can be On Mission Together with Rich Noble

What's the most effective way churches can mentor future missionaries? In this episode, Rich Noble, pastor, professor, author, and director of The Center for Missional Engagement, discusses how pastors, missionaries, and mobilizers can best mentor the next generation of missionaries. 

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Generational Differences with Jolene Erlacher

Jolene Erlacher, the founder of Leading Tomorrow, discusses the important factors of mobilizing across generations. Listen in as she talks about how to intentionally use the strengths of Millennials and Generation Z to change the world!

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Mobilizing & Expectations: Preparing Missionaries for Team Effectiveness with Sue Eenigenburg & Suzy Grumelot

How can mobilizers prepare aspiring missionaries for the challenges they will face on the field? Is it best for new recruits to be married before going into missions? As Sue and Suzy share insights from their book, Sacred Siblings, you’ll be better equipped to disciple and mentor those you’re mobilizing to the field.

Show Notes:
Sacred Siblings (this link will give you a 15% discount on William Carey Publishing’s entire member care collection). The discount is good through Feb. 2020.
Keith Green’s common excuses for not going to the mission field.
Shoulder to Shoulder exists to empower, equip, and encourage single mission workers, their teams and their agencies as they serve in cross-cultural ministry.

Recommended Books:
Redeeming Singleness: How the Storyline of Scripture Affirms the Single Life by Barry N. Danylak
This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence by John Piper

Sue Eenigenburg
Screams in the Desert blog
Suzy Grumelot

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The Importance of Books in Missions Mobilization with Eric Nevins

This week, Eric Nevins from William Carey Publishing talks about how missions books make an impact on people’s lives to go to the mission field or start supporting missions. He and host, David Jacob mention multiple recommended books for pastors and mobilizers. Visit the show notes for links to discounted offers from William Carey Publishing!