The Missionary Mobilization Journal
Missionary Mobilization Journal Volume 2 Issue 1
The Alignment of the Church and Agency
“Churches vs. Agencies: What Posture Will You Take?” - Denny Spitters
“An Emerging Strategy of Missiology in the Local Church: The Shift from Sending to With-ing” - Randy Jumper
“Convergence as Mission Innovation: Keys to Unlocking Synergistic Partnerships” - Sonji Y. Pass
“The Sodalities and the Contemporary Church” - Jocelyn S. Wong
“Selecting a Missions Agency: Your Church’s Search for the Right Sending Partner” - Ellen Livingood
“The Future of Church and Agency Partnership” - Bradley Bell
“If the Church is the bride of Christ... then what should be the posture of a missionary sending agency?”
Published semiannually, the Missionary Mobilization Journal produces practical and theoretical articles related to missions mobilization within the context of the missionary, church, agency, and academy, to equip and educate these stakeholders in the ministry of missionary mobilization. This journal will be available free of charge in digital format.
The goal of the Missionary Mobilization Journal is to provide relevant articles for missionaries, pastors, educators, mobilizers, students, and other missions-minded stakeholders. This is not an academic, peer reviewed journal. Rather, the purpose is to provide reputable content including best practices, trends and issues, and other concepts relevant to missions mobilization.
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Past Issues
Missionary Mobilization Journal Volume 1 Issue 2
The Role of Diversity in Mobilization
“Mobilizing the Black Church for Global Missions”
- Melva L. Henderson
“REPENTANCE: A Potential Catalyst for Ethnic Minority Mobilization”
- Richard Coleman
“Mobilizing the Next Generation: The Role of Media in the Filipino Context”
- Joshua Chew
“Partnership with the Global South: The Future of Missions”
- David D. Ruiz
“The Strategic Importance of Mobilizing the Retiree”
- Vicky Warren
“Inclusive Mission: God is Removing Obstacles and Calling Us to Join Him”
- Dave Deuel
All proceeds from the journal go to support cross-cultural missionaries.
Missionary Mobilization Journal Volume 1 Issue 1
The Role of Education in Mobilization
“Intentional Education for Missionary Mobilization Outcomes”
- David and Lorene Wilson
“How to Engage and Educate Generation Z for Missions Mobilization”
- Dr. Jolene Erlacher
“Education: An Excerpt from Mission in Motion”
- Jay Matenga and Malcolm Gold
“The Value of Higher Education for Mobilizers”
- Dr. Paul Alexander