Mobilizing Families with Pastor Sam Jacob

Can one conversation with a family member really make a difference? Today, Dave interviews his oldest son who has served on staff at two churches overseeing their missions programs and leading people on short-term trips. Sam shares what happened while he and his dad were waiting for a taxi in Thailand and what influenced him as a young boy to serve in ministry and missions. He gives us eight things you can do to mobilize families to the nations and discusses some of the obstacles he's faced over the years too. Here’s what Dave asked him:

  1. Let's talk about your childhood. What were some of the things you recall that influenced your decision to serve in ministry/missions?

  2. How did growing up overseas in Northern Asia impact your future missions involvement?

  3. You've served on staff at two churches and oversaw the missions programs at both of them. When it comes to mobilizing families, what are some of the obstacles you've come across?

  4. What are some of the strategies you use to increase families' missions involvement?

  5. How have you seen short-term mission trips impact those who have participated?

  6. How have you been involved in your church’s missions committee?

Four Tips to Mobilize People to the Hardest Places

David Platt has said that unreached people groups are unreached for a reason, they are hard, dangerous, and difficult to get to, All the easy ones are taken. So what will it take to make disciples in the most difficult places on earth? Today, on the Gospel Mobilization Podcast, host, Dave Jacob interviews Josh Duncan and Eddie Lozano with Triad. Our guests explain how to mobilize people to the hardest areas by giving us four tips we can apply and put into action. And these guys should know, because they’ve been doing it for years. This episode will challenge and inspire you to focus on some of the hardest-to-reach people groups on the planet, so that King Jesus will one day receive the worship and glory He deserves.

Show Notes:
Kaiser’s Book, Mission in the Old Testament
Triad’s Book, Awaken
Open Doors Reports
Joshua Project
Contact Josh, Executive Director of Triad
Contact Eddie, Director of Mobilization

Being a Lifelong Mobilizer with Levi Longwe

If you are tired, stressed, weary, or ready to quit mobilization, this episode is for you! Our guest, Levi Longwe, a mobilizer from Malawi serving in Lesotho, helps us understand the importance of being a lifelong mobilizer. You’ll be encouraged to press on as Levi shares his journey in mobilization. Give the gift of encouragement and send this link to a friend! Here’s what our host, Dave Jacob, asked Levi:

  1. Tell us your story. How did you become a mobilizer?

  2. How do you mobilize there in Lesotho?

  3. Tell us about your vision for the future of mobilization in Lesotho.

  4. You have said that you have dedicated your life to be a mobilizer. Why is longevity important in mobilization?

  5. What are some misconceptions of who a mobilizer is?

  6. How are you collaborating and networking with other mobilizers and why is that important?

  7. How are you raising up and training more mobilizers?

Show Notes:
Kairos Course
Podcast Episode with Reuben Kachala
Article by Steve Shadrach
AfriGo Magazine
Globalcast Resources

Mobilizing for When Serving Gets Tough with Carol Ghattas

Mobilization doesn’t stop when a new global worker gets to the field. Some have said it should continue through the first year of field service. As mobilizers, we need tools to help stop the revolving door of new missionaries going to the field and then coming home for preventable reasons. Today, Dave interviews Carol Ghattas, author of the new book, When Serving Gets Tough. Visit our show notes to receive 25% off the book. It would make a great Christmas gift!

Here’s what Dave asked Carol:
1. What motivated you to write this book?
2. Why do missionaries struggle? Are they not prepared for what they’ll face on the field? 
3. Are sending organizations missing something in their mobilization and training?
4. How can your book be a good tool for mobilizers?
5. Mobilizers are often having discipleship-type conversations with potential goers helping them to navigate God’s call on their lives. How important is calling and what advice would you have for mobilizers as they have these conversations?
6. What topics or struggles do you cover in the book? Did you find it hard to limit them to thirty?
7. Sometimes mobilizers may paint an overly positive picture of what life on the mission field will be like in the hopes to recruit more people. Is this harmful? If so, why?
8. Could you share a story that illustrates why being honest about life on the missions field helps our mobilization efforts?

Show Notes:
Buy Carol’s book, When Serving Gets Tough
Please use discount code MISSIONPODCAST25 for 25% off of the paperback and eBook.  (offer valid until December 31, 2024).
A Life in Exile
Contact Carol
Follow Carol on social media:

The Mission of God and the Witness of the Church with Justin Schell

Today, Dave Jacob interviews Justin Schell, Director of Younger Leaders Generation for the Lausanne Movement. His latest book, The Mission of God and the Witness of the Church, is dedicated to missions mobilizers, making this episode just for you! Starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation, the book is shorter than you’d expect, making it user-friendly for those who need a synopsis on the missions narrative throughout the Bible. Tune in to discover why Justin dedicated this book to missions mobilizers and how we should really translate the word, “Go” in Matthew 28:19.

100 Best Practices of Missions Mobilization

To celebrate our 100th episode of the Gospel Mobilization Podcast, we are giving you 100 best practices of mobilization! Join mobilization experts, Katy White, Mark Stebbins, Chelsea Christopher, and host Dave Jacob as they unpack these practical tips for missions mobilizers.

Show Notes:
Mobilizing Gen Z by Katy White & Jolene Erlacher
Missio Nexus
Perspectives USA
Daniel Generation by Jolene Erlacher

Download a Free pdf of the 100 Best Practices (on our homepage)

Seven Tips from Gen Z Mobilizers

Do you want to mobilize the younger generations? Are you finding it difficult to relate to Gen Z? Today, we’re talking with 4 Gen Z mobilizers who work for World Gospel Mission, a non-denominational missions agency based in Marion, Indiana. These 4 mobilizers: Madeline, Andy, Kaeley, and Kenzie work to not only mobilize Gen Z, they are Gen Zers themselves! You’ll learn the importance of diversity, team, clear communication, authenticity, and much more!

Show Notes:
World Gospel Mission
 Dangerous Jesus by Kevin Burgess
WHOLEHEARTED! Tending Your Heart through Being Discipled by Jesus by Rick and Diane Bewsher 
Barna Research on Gen Z: Success and Work Culture

Want more on Mobilizing Gen Z? Check out the book Mobilizing Gen Z by Jolene Erlacher and Katy White

Strategies to Mobilize Latinos with Moses Saldivar

We all know that a diverse missions force is the best missions force. Listen to this episode as host Dave Jacob talks with Moses Saldivar, the Director of Engagement for US Latino Churches at Frontiers. Moses shares his story as well as several challenges and strategies to help you mobilize more Latino missionaries. Here are the specific questions Dave asked:

  1. What's your story? How did God lead you into missions?

  2. What are the benefits of mobilizing a diverse missions force and how has God uniquely positioned U.S. Latinos to make great missionaries?

  3. When it comes to mobilizing Latinos, what are some of the barriers? 

  4. How can those barriers be overcome?

  5. What are some specific strategies for mobilizers and missions pastors to mobilize more Latinos?

Show Notes:
Frontiers USA
Frontiers Go
Contact Moses

The Value of Using Education to Mobilize with Yvonne Huneycutt

There are two things every good mobilizer does: inspires and educates. In today’s episode, Yvonne Huneycutt, an instructor and trainer for the Perspectives course, unpacks a little history of the missions movement showing how using education mobilizes others. Yvonne and host Dave Jacob discuss her newly-released book, Propelled by Hope: The Story of the Perspectives Movement. In this episode you’ll learn how to best use education to mobilize. Plus, Yvonne provides a list of mobilization resources and tools you can use to educate yourself and others. Don’t forget to visit the show notes on our website to receive 25% off of Yvonne’s book!

Show Notes:
Speccial discount for our listeners: Receive 25% off Yvonne’s book, Propelled by Hope! Use code HOPEPODCAST25
Perspectives Course
Frontier Ventures
Global Mobilization Network
Free Webinar:  Teaching that Mobilizes!
Mobilization Resources

Five Joshua Project Tools to Help You Mobilize with Chris Clayman

If you’re looking for people group data to help you mobilize, this episode is for you! Chris Clayman, Executive Director for Joshua Project, joins us today to give us all the details on how we can use the free tools on their website to help us educate and inspire God’s people. You’ll learn about the people group profiles and lists, the Unreached of the Day resource, and the Global Interactive Map. Chris also shares an incredible story about a dentist in Texas who sent a simple email that resulted in a people group being reached for the first time. Plus, Chris gives us an inside peek into the future of the Joshua Project and how you can help shape their ministry in the coming years. 

Show Notes:
Global Dashboard
Global Interactive Map
People Group Lists and Profiles
Unreached of the Day
Frontier Peoples
Joshua Project Survey
Joshua Project Newsletter Sign-up

Mobilizing All Ethnicities to Engage the Unreached with Morgan Davis

Do you want to mobilize a more diverse missions force, but don’t know where to start? Listen in today as host Dave Jacob interviews Morgan Davis. Morgan is a Formation and Network Engagement Strategist with unfoldingWord and Director of Missions for Northwest Baptist Church. She gives practical insights to help mobilize all ethnicities to engage the unreached. You’ll hear us discuss a study about diverse perspectives on the church and missions, and you’ll learn about a special scholarship to help promote a more diverse missions force. Here are the specific questions that were asked during the interview: 

  1. Tell us about yourself and how you became involved in global missions.

  2. I love your heart to mobilize all ethnicities to the unreached. What was the catalyst that fueled this passion of yours?

  3. What are some of the barriers here in the West inhibiting more ethnicities being involved in missions and mobilization?

  4. Let’s talk about some tips you have to help our listeners mobilize a more diverse missions force. 

  5. What resources might you recommend that would help mobilizers mobilize more ethnic minorities?

Show Notes:
Radical by David Platt
Journal Issue on Mobilizing a Diverse Missions Force
NAAMC - National African American Missions Council
IMB’s George Liele Scholarship
Missio Nexus Diversity Report
Register for the Missio Nexus Leaders Conference

Helping Others Discern Calling with Katy White

Grab a note pad because you’ll want to take notes on this one! One of the most important roles of a missions mobilizer is helping others navigate their calling. But how can we best do this? Tune in today as Katy White, Vice President of Goer Experience with Go Corps and co-author of the book, Mobilizing Gen Z, shares some tips and best practices with us. She and podcast host, Dave Jacob, discuss the definition of calling, some misunderstandings about God’s call, as well as strategies to assist mobilizers in helping those who feel uncertain about their calling. This episode will equip you to have better conversations with those you are mobilizing to the nations.

Show Notes:
Go Corps  
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
Mobilizing Gen Z book by Jolene Erlacher and Katy White
Gear Up: Training for New Mobilizers

Find the transcript here:

Overcoming Gen Z’s Struggles Impacting Mobilization with Dr.Dunaetz

How do the struggles of Gen Z impact the future of mobilization? Tune in today to hear host Dave Jacob chat with Dr. Dave Dunaetz about this crucial topic. Dr. Dunaetz is Professor and Chair of the Department of Leadership, Organizational Psychology, and Public Administration at Azusa Pacific University in California. His research program focuses on interpersonal processes in churches and other Christian organizations, such as mission agencies. You’ll learn the three major cultural influences negatively impacting the future of mobilization and what we can do to help Gen Z. overcome these challenges.

Here’s what the two discussed:
1. About a year ago, you wrote an article for Global Missiology titled, “The Struggles of Generation Z and The Future of North American Mission Organizations.” What motivated you to address this issue?

2. In your article you write, "The current generation of North American young adults, Generation Z or iGen, is struggling against several important cultural elements which may severely impact the future of mission organizations.” Can you list these cultural elements leading to the psychological struggles of some in Gen Z? 

3. How is social media and smartphone use adversely affecting the moral and theological values of Gen Z?

4. We know that video game addiction and pornography have devastating impacts. What are the factors that make Generation Z especially susceptible to the dangers of video game and pornography addiction?

5. Specifically, you write about three components of video game and porn addiction that adversely impact Gen Z. Can you list those and then unpack each one for us? 

6. How is overprotection, safety, and risk-taking impacting the mobilization of Gen Z?

7. Now that we’ve identified some of these struggles Gen Z face, what are some solutions mobilizers can implement?

Show Notes:
Dr. Dunaetz’s article titled, “The Struggles of Generation Z and the Future of North American Mission Organizations
Mobilizing Gen Z
Gen Z’s Thoughts on Missions
5 Tips for Mobilizing College Students

Failure and Discouragement in Mobilization with Terry Powell

How do you define success in mobilization? What do we do when we don’t see results in mobilization? Do you ever feel so discouraged that you want to quit?  In this episode of the Gospel Mobilization Podcast, you’ll hear from Professor Terry Powell as he shares his own struggles with depression and failure. Dr. Powell is adjunct faculty at Columbia International University and author of the book, Serve Strong: Biblical Encouragement to Sustain God's Servants.  You’ll appreciate Dr. Powell’s transparency and knowledge as he reminds us that the mobilization ministry we do is an important calling. He provides some tools for us to view discouragement and failure with a fresh perspective. Here are some of the questions host Dave Jacob asked:

1. Often the ministry of mobilization is the long game and we don't see immediate results. That can be discouraging but you note some themes in Barnabus' life we can glean from. Can you share about that?
2. How can playing back God's call help mobilizers who feel discouraged?
3. How should we define success in the ministry of missions mobilization?
4. How can we handle those in authority who might put pressure on mobilizers to "hit the numbers”?

Strategic Ways to Mobilize the Church with Stefanie Nicholson

What are some ways we can mobilize the church for missions? Are there proven methods for agency mobilizers to partner with pastors resulting in mobilizing their members to the nations? Listen to this episode of the Gospel Mobilization Podcast as host Dave Jacob speaks with Stefanie Nicholson, founder of Here2There Ministries. Like you, Stephanie longs to see churches not just supporting missions, but doing missions. She provides valuable insights and practical tips to help mobilizers engage the local church in missions mobilization.

Show Notes:
Contact Stefanie:

Mobilizing Believers through Seasons of Suffering with David Joannes

Are you mobilizing someone who is going through a difficult time? If so, does that mean we should push the pause button on mobilization? Perhaps you’re going through a season of suffering yourself. Listen in today as Dave Jacob talks with David Joannes about his latest book, See the City: Hope for the Bruised, Battered, and Broken-Hearted. You’ll hear the story of White Flower, a ten-year-old refugee girl in Myanmar and learn ways to help mobilize others during difficult times. This episode will inspire and equip you to press on in mobilization. The following questions were asked during the interview:
1.What was your inspiration behind See the City?
2. White Flower, the little refugee girl in Myanmar, plays an important role in the book. Can you tell me more about her?
3. Your book touches on the theme of "Suffering, Sorrow, and Grief." Can you share what inspired you to delve into such profound topics?
4. What message do you have for mobilizers who are going through a difficult time themselves or attempting to mobilize those who are going through seasons of suffering?
5. You discuss the misnomers people often have when they think about Heaven. Why should Christians think more about Heaven and how does this impact mobilizing more missionaries?
6. You’ve created a coloring book companion that goes along with your book. Tell us about that and it’s purpose.

Show Notes:
See the City Book
Glorious Hope Coloring Book
David Joannes: Instagram
David Joannes: Facebook
Within Reach Global: Instagram
Within Reach Global: Facebook
Within Reach Global
Related Episode: #58
Heaven by Randy Alcorn

The Mobilizer’s Role in Finishing the Task with Lisa Pak

Why isn’t the Great Commission completed already? What can mobilizers do to help finish the task? In this episode, our host, Dave Jacob chats with Lisa Pak, who works alongside Rick Warren on the leadership team for Finishing the Task, a coalition of thousands of believers, churches, denominations, and organizations coming together to fulfill the Great Commission. Tune in to hear a story of a remote, unreached tribe on an island off the coast of Panama as well as practical ideas for mobilizing people to unreached and dangerous areas. Here are the questions Dave asked Lisa:

1. Tell us about Finishing the Task and your role there.
2. What are Unengaged Unreached People Groups?
3. What needs to occur in order to engage these people groups?
4. How can mobilizers bring awareness to the importance of prioritizing UUPGs?
5. Since most of these places are dangerous, how do agencies send their first missionary into these areas?
6. How can mobilizers include young leaders/next gen and women as key parts of the Body of Christ that need to be intentionally and actively mobilized? 
7. What resources does Finishing the Task have for mobilizers?

Show Notes
Finishing the Task
Joshua Project Unengaged Unreached People Groups
IMB (International Missions Board) Unengaged Unreached People Groups 
The Lausanne Covenant
Operation Christmas Child
Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary 

Contact Finishing the Task:
Contact Lisa:

How to Follow-up Well After a Short-term Missions Trip with Jenny Collins and Tory Ruark

How can trip leaders follow up well after a short-term missions trip? Is follow-up really that important? What questions should we ask those who have just returned home from a trip? Listen in today as host Dave Jacob talks with Professor Jenny Collins (Taylor University) and Tory Ruark (Mission Works). With years of short-term missions experience leading trips, our guests will help answer the question: Do short-term mission trips really help lead participants to long-term service? Here are some other questions the three discussed:

1. Why is proper follow-up from a short-term trip important?
2. What difficulties do short-termers typically experience during the reentry process?
3. Let’s talk about some of the follow-up topics. What should a team leader discuss while debriefing the trip?
4. How long should a team debrief after the trip?
5. What are some of the disadvantages to no follow-up or very little follow-up?
6. What tools or resources are available to assist agencies and team leaders in following up well?

Show Notes:
Mission Works
Taylor University
Mission Excellence
The Next Mile Mentor Guide
Go Journal
Mission Excellence: Follow Through
Mission Guide
Send International Debriefing Questions

Ideas for Mobilizing Entrepreneurs with Bernie Anderson

Does your organization or church have a process to send marketplace workers to the missions field? How can we mobilize more entrepreneurs? Tune in today as Dave talks with Bernie Anderson, the cross-cultural leadership director and business/non- profit consultant with Growability. Bernie has helped dozens of missionaries formulate business plans and successfully run businesses around the world. Here’s what the two discussed:

  1. What is BAM and how does it differ from tentmaking?

  2. How can mobilizers help their organizations understand the value of marketplace ministry and even church planting in the marketplace?

  3. How can missionaries do business AND missions well?

  4. Tell us about your organization, Growability.

  5. Can you share a few stories about missionaries around the world that you've helped start businesses?

  6. For agencies that want to send more missionaries to do BAM, how can Growability help?

Show Notes:
Growability’s 6 Step Model

Contact Bernie:

Mobilizing in Light of the Global Body of Christ with Gina Zurlo

How can data and statistics help mobilize believers? Today, were blessed to hear from one of the BBC’s 100 most inspiring and influential women of 2019, Gina Zurlo, the Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity. In her recent book, Portraits of Global Christianity, Gina unpacks how students were mobilized to action by their beloved professor, Dr. Todd Johnson. Join host Dave Jacob as he chats with Gina about missionary sending throughout the world. Here’s what the two discussed:

  1. Tell us about the book and why you wrote it. Why is it important for mobilizers to understand the Portraits of Global Christianity?

  2. One of my favorite graphs is the world as 100 Christians. Could you highlight that for us?

  3. What significant missionary-sending and receiving changes have occurred in the last 20-50 years?

  4. What are some of the reasons why most missionaries go to places where the church already exists?

  5. How can missionaries sent from the West better partner with our brothers and sisters from the Global South? 

  6. We know that some mistakes in missions history prohibit some from answering the call. How can mobilizers address things like colonialism in missions past?

  7. What else do you feel is important for mobilizers to know?

Show Notes:
Center for the Study of Global Christianity
Book: Portraits of Global Christianity by Gina Zurlo 
Gospel Mobilization Podcast Episode 34:  Missionaries in an Age of Global Christianity with Todd Johnson 
World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition 
Atlas of Global Christianity