Mobilizing Families with Pastor Sam Jacob
/Can one conversation with a family member really make a difference? Today, Dave interviews his oldest son who has served on staff at two churches overseeing their missions programs and leading people on short-term trips. Sam shares what happened while he and his dad were waiting for a taxi in Thailand and what influenced him as a young boy to serve in ministry and missions. He gives us eight things you can do to mobilize families to the nations and discusses some of the obstacles he's faced over the years too. Here’s what Dave asked him:
Let's talk about your childhood. What were some of the things you recall that influenced your decision to serve in ministry/missions?
How did growing up overseas in Northern Asia impact your future missions involvement?
You've served on staff at two churches and oversaw the missions programs at both of them. When it comes to mobilizing families, what are some of the obstacles you've come across?
What are some of the strategies you use to increase families' missions involvement?
How have you seen short-term mission trips impact those who have participated?
How have you been involved in your church’s missions committee?