Mobilizing & Expectations: Preparing Missionaries for Team Effectiveness with Sue Eenigenburg & Suzy Grumelot

How can mobilizers prepare aspiring missionaries for the challenges they will face on the field? Is it best for new recruits to be married before going into missions? As Sue and Suzy share insights from their book, Sacred Siblings, you’ll be better equipped to disciple and mentor those you’re mobilizing to the field.

Show Notes:
Sacred Siblings (this link will give you a 15% discount on William Carey Publishing’s entire member care collection). The discount is good through Feb. 2020.
Keith Green’s common excuses for not going to the mission field.
Shoulder to Shoulder exists to empower, equip, and encourage single mission workers, their teams and their agencies as they serve in cross-cultural ministry.

Recommended Books:
Redeeming Singleness: How the Storyline of Scripture Affirms the Single Life by Barry N. Danylak
This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence by John Piper

Sue Eenigenburg
Screams in the Desert blog
Suzy Grumelot

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