Church and Missions Partnerships with Randy Jumper

Do you ever get frustrated with the church/agency relationship? Take a listen to today's episode as Dave talks with Missions Pastor, Randy Jumper from First North Little Rock Church. Randy unpacks what he calls, With-ing, a concept that does missions together and goes beyond partnership. He expounds on keeping the local church as the main driver of missions without the church having a self-centered, self-fulfilling missiological strategy. You'll learn why missionary re-entry training is more essential than ever and why mission agencies should consider hiring non-missionaries for agency leadership roles. Specifically, Dave asked Randy the following questions:

  1. In your article, you write that "The church views itself as a 'with-ing' partner rather than a sending partner." Can you explain that a little bit?

  2. What factors have influenced this shift to “with-ing"?

  3. Are there any negative implications of shifting from a sending mindset to a with-ing mindset?

  4. Randy, in your article, you mention some suggestions for denominational sending agencies. Can you share some of those with us?

  5. What are some ways missionaries can partner better with churches? 

  6. What are some suggestions for churches in partnering with missionaries and sending agencies?

Mobilizing Kids with Randy Riddle

Have you ever wondered how churches can mobilize kids for missions? 

In this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave unpacks the incredible ministry of Operation Christmas Child with Senior Director, Randy Riddle. You’ll hear some amazing stories of how God is using kids to impact the world. This episode is a reminder that mobilization can begin at the youngest of ages, and that every believer has the opportunity to live a life on mission! 

To learn more about Operation Christmas Child, visit Samaritan’s, and remember that National Collection Week for these shoebox gifts is November 15th - 22nd, 2021.

Video Interview Coming Soon!

Neurotheology and Mobilization

You become like whoever you attach yourself to. You will become like who you love.
— David Jacob

In this special episode of the podcast, Dave dives into the incredible relationship between neurotheology and mobilization. Neurotheology is a relatively new field of study that investigates how our brains are shaped and transformed by religious experiences. Out of this study comes the significance of attachment (see John 15). Further, as we examine the science that forms attachments, we see that the most important tool for mobilizing may be right in front of us - mentorship. 

Listen in to learn more about your own brain and how God has uniquely positioned you to mobilize more missionaries to the field! 

Show Notes:

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Topics Discussed:

  • What is neurotheology? 

  • How do our brains form spiritually?

  • How has God designed us to develop character and other behaviors?

  • How can neurotheology and attachment help us mobilize more missionaries?

Mobilizing the Hispanic Church with Yesenia Mojarro

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Topics Discussed:

  • How did God call you into missions work?

  • What changes have you have seen in the sending practices of the Assemblies of God Florida district?

  • Tell us about your research on mobilizing the Hispanic church.

  • What are some best practices you have discovered for mobilizing the Hispanic church?

  • What are some resources you have found helpful for mobilizing the Hispanic community?

On today’s show, Dave is interviewing Yesenia Mojarro about how to mobilize the Hispanic Church. Yesenia is a grad student at Trinity Graduate School (ND), currently researching how to best mobilize the Hispanic community in America for global missions.

Dave and Yesenia examine some of the unique barriers and benefits that go with mobilization in the Hispanic Church. To accompany these things, Yesenia describes the testimony of God’s calling on her life and His faithfulness throughout the years. Tune in to discover some great resources for mobilizing the Hispanic Church and to hear about how He is working right now in this community!

Show Notes:

Your Part in God's Story with Steve Addison

Do you ever wonder how you can help people discover their part in the Great Commission? Listen in as Dave chats with Steve Addison, a catalyst for movements that multiply disciples and churches everywhere. Steve is an author, speaker, podcaster, and mentor to movement pioneers. His latest book, Your Part in God's Story: 40 Days from Genesis to Revelation was just released last month. In this discussion Dave talks with Steve about how the Scripture is an incredible mobilizer when read as one story. Check out this episode today to understand what Your Part in God's Story is and how you can help others discover theirs!

Topics Discussed:

1.  Why did you write this book?

2.  What’s the format?

3.  Why was it important to you to review the grand narrative of Scriptures vs. focusing only on the New Testament for example?

4.  Give us some examples of the studies.

5.  How can mobilizers, missions pastors, or other listeners use this in a group setting with those they're discipling?

6.  How did writing this book change you?

Mobilizing Prayer with Kevin Senapatiratne

The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.
— Andrew Murray

On today's show, Dave interviews Kevin Senapatiratne, founder of Christ Connection and member of America's National Prayer Committee. Kevin grew up as a missionary kid and now travels and teaches on praying for the world. You'll hear the lessons he learned as he met with international prayer and missions leaders in Herrnhut, Germany. Kevin and Dave also discussed:

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  • Best practices that will assist you to mobilize people to pray for the nations

  • The Moravians and the important connection they had between prayer and missions

  • How you can be involved in the International Day for the Unreached on May 23rd, 2021

Show Notes: