Do you ever wonder how you can help people discover their part in the Great Commission? Listen in as Dave chats with Steve Addison, a catalyst for movements that multiply disciples and churches everywhere. Steve is an author, speaker, podcaster, and mentor to movement pioneers. His latest book, Your Part in God's Story: 40 Days from Genesis to Revelation was just released last month. In this discussion Dave talks with Steve about how the Scripture is an incredible mobilizer when read as one story. Check out this episode today to understand what Your Part in God's Story is and how you can help others discover theirs!
Topics Discussed:
1. Why did you write this book?
2. What’s the format?
3. Why was it important to you to review the grand narrative of Scriptures vs. focusing only on the New Testament for example?
4. Give us some examples of the studies.
5. How can mobilizers, missions pastors, or other listeners use this in a group setting with those they're discipling?
6. How did writing this book change you?