Defining Missions with Denny Spitters & Matthew Ellison

Today, Dave talks with Denny Spitters and Matthew Ellison. Denny and Matthew are the authors of When Everything is Missions and editors of the companion text titled, Conversations on When Everything is Missions.

The discussion revolves around the danger of labeling everything as missions in the church and understanding how important it is to grasp accurate terminology. They examine Acts 1:8 and the problem with “your Jerusalem” terminology as well as how mobilization is hindered when we lose sight of a correct definition of missions.

Some topics discussed on the show:

1. Why did you write, When Everything is Missions?
2. How did the companion book, Conversations on When Everything is Missions come about?
3. Who are some of the contributing authors?
4. How do we as mobilizers and missions pastors correct the narrative that everything is missions?
5. Please share with us some testimonies about how pastors/churches shifted their definition of missions and the results of that.
6. If our listeners would like to purchase the book or learn more about this topic, how can they do that?