Rethinking Global Mobilization with Ryan Shaw

In this episode, Dave talks with Ryan Shaw, Lead Facilitator of Global Mission Mobilization Initiative (GMMI), a resourcing ministry equipping the Church for mission mobilization through practical tools, teaching, training, and strategies. The two discuss Ryan's new book, Rethinking Global Mobilization. Shaw shows us that the success of the local church is not about its buildings, bodies, or bucks. Rather, he helps us understand that the biblical purpose of the church begins with missions mobilization movements. If you want to see God receive the worship He deserves from every tongue, tribe, people, and nation, listen to this episode! Here are some more topics the two discussed:

1. What are some of the major areas you highlight in your book that need to be "rethought"?
2. What does a holistic, comprehensive perspective of mission mobilization look like?
3. The book identifies many types of mobilizers that go well beyond the traditional concept of a mobilizer. Explain some of these types and who they are.
4. The book seems to prioritize mobilizers raising the flag of the depth of spiritual life alongside missions education itself. Why is that piece highlighted?
5. What is your vision for mission mobilization across the global body of Christ?

Show notes:
Contact Ryan:

Engaging and Unleashing Believers into Digital Missions

In a world that is becoming ever more connected through technology, reaching the unreached and mobilizing the next generation has never been more possible. Listen in as Nick Wu from Idigitous explains how to mobilize those who are tech savvy to reach the unreached. He offers a fresh perspective on how missionaries and missions mobilizers can use technology as an effective tool in reaching the unreached and mobilizing the next generations with digital missions. Here's what our host, Dave Jacob asked Nick during the interview:

  1. What is Indigitous Serve?

  2. Why is there a need for digital missions?

  3. Some of our listeners may be leery of digital missions. Can you really make disciples digitally?

  4. One of your projects is a Christian hackathon. Tell us about that.

  5. Nick, you lead something called, Indigitous Cohorts. What are those?

  6. How can you reach people that a traditional missionary perhaps can’t?

  7. How would you advise a missions mobilizer who is not tech savvy to mobilize others towards digital missions?

Show Notes:


Indigitous Hackathon

Serve with Indigitous

Email Indigitous -

Indigitous on Instagram

A Missionary's PTSD Journey with Don Mingo

"Have you ever been around tired, whipped, worn-out missionaries? Man, are they crabby!"

Listen in as missionary, author, and life-coach Don Mingo speaks of his experiences in the mission field and his personal journey with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. As mobilizers, it is important to recognize the significance of missionary mental health and take the necessary steps to prepare those we are about to send. Being involved in missions work can be one of the most fulfilling ministries. It takes believers to new places all over the world and offers extraordinary experiences that stretch them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This episode will equip you to address these issues as you mobilize and mentor future missionaries.

Show Notes

Baptist Bible Fellowship International

Missionary to Missionary Care

Books by Don Mingo

Gen Z's Thoughts on Missions

Today’s students are tomorrow’s missionaries and mobilizers. Even now Gen Z is preparing to enter and presently entering God’s harvest fields. Knowing and understanding their views on missions is key for missions organizations. In this special episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Host Dave Jacob sits down with students from Trinity Bible College to get their thoughts and ideas on missions.

Questions Dave asked in this episode:

  1. What are some barriers preventing Gen Z from getting to the missions field?

  2. Is it beneficial for someone who feels called but doesn't know where to start to have a mentor?

  3. What excites Gen Z about missions?

  4. When you think about missions, what are some fears or concerns that you have?

Show Notes:
The Porch: Best Practices in Mobilizing Gen Z

Seven Healthy Rhythms of a Mobilizer

Are you tired or stressed from ministry? Do you feel burned out? Listen to this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, as host David Jacob sits down with Missions Mobilizer Mark Stebbins. Mark offers 7 key insights regarding healthy rhythms for a Missions Mobilizer. You'll hear life-giving advice on how to engage in healthy routines for longevity in missions ministry.

Best Practices in Missions Marketing with Matt Green

Listen in today as Dave chats with Matt Green, the VP of Marketing for Pioneers, USA. Matt shares how his team strategizes to promote missions for the purpose of mobilization. He talks about simple missiology, content marketing, and why it's important to market to the younger generations. You'll learn several best practices to help you market missions for mobilizing more missionaries (even on a shoestring budget).

Here are some of the questions Dave asked Matt:

  1. Share with us a little bit of the overall marketing strategy for Pioneers.

  2. What's the size of your marketing team? What positions do you have?

  3. Tell us the story of recently adding a young person to your marketing team.

  4. Why do you focus your marketing efforts on the younger generations?

  5. Can you share how you market missiology in simple ways?

  6. How is your team innovating?

  7. How would you advise a smaller mission agency with a limited budget?

Church and Missions Partnerships with Randy Jumper

Do you ever get frustrated with the church/agency relationship? Take a listen to today's episode as Dave talks with Missions Pastor, Randy Jumper from First North Little Rock Church. Randy unpacks what he calls, With-ing, a concept that does missions together and goes beyond partnership. He expounds on keeping the local church as the main driver of missions without the church having a self-centered, self-fulfilling missiological strategy. You'll learn why missionary re-entry training is more essential than ever and why mission agencies should consider hiring non-missionaries for agency leadership roles. Specifically, Dave asked Randy the following questions:

  1. In your article, you write that "The church views itself as a 'with-ing' partner rather than a sending partner." Can you explain that a little bit?

  2. What factors have influenced this shift to “with-ing"?

  3. Are there any negative implications of shifting from a sending mindset to a with-ing mindset?

  4. Randy, in your article, you mention some suggestions for denominational sending agencies. Can you share some of those with us?

  5. What are some ways missionaries can partner better with churches? 

  6. What are some suggestions for churches in partnering with missionaries and sending agencies?

Mobilizing Missionaries to Dangerous Places with Anna Hampton

"The Kingdom of God does not advance when we stay safe." - Anna Hampton

How can we help others navigate the potential dangers of the mission field? Listen to Anna Hampton, who has lived in war-torn Afghanistan, the Middle East, and other dangerous places. She is a global expert on cross-cultural risk and chats with Dave about the theology of risk and how mobilizers can help potential goers overcome their fear of danger.

They specifically discussed the following:

  1. How did you handle the potential dangers before you first went to Afghanistan?

  2. Can you share about a time when you helped a missionary deal with a dangerous situation?

  3. How does the Bible talk about risk?

  4. What does the church need to understand about risk in the context of missions?

  5. How can the church better respond to missionaries who live in dangerous contexts?

  6. What should missionaries do when they face risk?

  7. What advice would you have for mobilizers and pastors to help potential missionaries navigate risk and danger on the field?

Show Notes:

The Mandate's Effect on Mobilization with Jeff Boesel

How does the vaccine mandate affect mobilization?

Today our guest is Jeff Boesel. After graduating from Westmont College and getting married, Jeff managed a restaurant, worked in a warehouse, and then became an air traffic controller before serving as a missionary at age 36. Jeff currently serves the One Challenge mobilization center as the Director of Mobilization.

Regardless of opinion on this hot button issue, this episode hopes to encourage you to look at the vaccine not from a political point of view, but rather a biblical one. Dave and Jeff discuss the fact that the world is watching how organizations handle Covid-19 vaccine mandates. As individuals and organizations continue to navigate this difficult situation, it’s important to dialogue on this topic in healthy and constructive ways.

Questions Discussed:

  1. Let's talk about IMBs decision to require the vaccine for all of their missionaries. 

  2. The Brigada newsletter has also addressed this topic. What have been some of the reactions?

  3. What feedback have you heard since the news broke about IMB's requirement?

  4. Do you know of other agencies (besides IMB) who are mandating the vaccine?

  5. Unfortunately this has become a political hot button topic. How do we keep things biblical?

  6. Do you think some missionaries will resign because of this requirement?

  7. Will we see a decline in new missionaries going to the field due to the mandate?

Mobilizing All Professions with Dale Losch

Here’s what Dave asked Dale:

  • Why should we engage believers from all professions to reach the world? 

  • How can mission agencies train professional workers who do not have previous formal Bible training?

  • Is it still important to send traditional vocational missionaries?

  • How does a secular professional find time for ministry?

  • What do secular professionals do on the mission’s field?

  • What are some tips for mobilizing secular professionals?

  • What kinds of professions are being used on the field in creative ways?

How can we help believers in the marketplace understand the important role they play in the Great Commission? How can we best mobilize secular professionals like plumbers, educators, social workers, or health care professionals?

In this episode, Dave converses with Dale Losch, the CEO of Crossworld, a missions agency committed to sending ministry workers from all professions. This episode will equip you to mobilize believers from all walks of life.

Show Links:

The Biblical Foundations for Mobilization with Jojie Wong

Does the Bible have much to say about missions mobilization? How do the Scriptures frame the ministry of mobilization? And why is it important for mobilizers to understand these biblical foundations? In this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave chats with Jojie Wong about the biblical foundations for mobilization. Jojie has been serving with OMF since the year 2000. She has authored several books and is committed to inspiring mobilizers to understand the significance of looking at mobilization through the lens of Scripture.

Topics Discussed: 

  1. Tell us your story of how you began in mobilization.

  2. Can you tell us about the mobilizer training that you have developed for OMF?

  3. Why is a Biblical Foundation for Mobilization necessary?

  4. What are some of the biblical principles mobilizers must understand as they begin the ministry of mobilization?

  5. What problems might arise if mobilizers fail to understand this biblical foundation?

  6. You have said that mobilizers need to become, “reflective practitioners.” What do you mean by this?

  7. What other advice would you have for a new mobilizer?

Mobilizing Kids with Randy Riddle

Have you ever wondered how churches can mobilize kids for missions? 

In this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave unpacks the incredible ministry of Operation Christmas Child with Senior Director, Randy Riddle. You’ll hear some amazing stories of how God is using kids to impact the world. This episode is a reminder that mobilization can begin at the youngest of ages, and that every believer has the opportunity to live a life on mission! 

To learn more about Operation Christmas Child, visit Samaritan’s, and remember that National Collection Week for these shoebox gifts is November 15th - 22nd, 2021.

Video Interview Coming Soon!

Diverse Mobilization wth Brittany Woods

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Why is having a diverse missions field vital to the Great Commission? How can mission agencies and churches ensure diverse mobilization? Join us for this special episode as we dig into these questions and hear from Brittany Woods, an experienced practitioner in mobilizing people of color.

Brittany Woods is an educator and mobilizer with SIM USA, an international mission organization existing to respond to need, proclaim the gospel, and equip local churches in communities where Jesus is least known. Brittany has spent the past several years engaging and equipping African American believers for God’s global gospel work.

Innovative Mobilization with Ted Esler

Have you ever wondered how we might innovate with regards to mobilization? What might be some consequences if our ministries fail to innovate? Is God asking you to take a risk, and to follow His direction? In this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave converses with Ted Esler, the president of MissioNexus, and author of The Innovation Crisis. They discuss significant topics about how the world changes, and how we must creatively innovate in missions mobilization.

Topics Discussed:

  1. What motivated you to write this book?

  2. You write that, “If there is any one marker of an innovative ministry, it is that mission triumphs over methodology.” Can you unpack that a little bit for us?

  3. In chapter 6, you write about “wicked problems.” What are wicked problems and would the overall lack of missions engagement in our local churches be considered one?

  4. When it comes to innovation, why is collaboration important?

  5. Innovative mobilization is often risky. How might you counsel a ministry that might be risk averse?

  6. What may occur in our mobilization ministries if we fail to innovate?

  7. What types of innovation have you seen in mobilization?



More Tips for Mobilizing College Students with Brian Hargett

Listen to this episode as Dave talks with Brian Hargett, the Director of Mobilization for Chi Alpha campus ministries. This is part 2 in a series we are airing on mobilizing college students, so be sure to check out episode 50 with missions mobilizer Katy White of Go Corps.

Today, Brian and Dave discuss some of the factors influencing the missionary call and why it's important to address the mistakes of missions past. Brian recommends several more suggestions which will equip you and your team to mobilize college students to the nations.

Topics Discussed:

  • What are some tips to mobilizing these students to the nations?

  1. Facilitate Missionary Engagement

  2. Address the Elephants in the Room

  3. Cultivate Pray, Give, and Welcome Habits

  4. Clarify and Simplify the steps it Takes to Get to the Field

  5. Help Them Manage Their Expectations

Full Video interview coming soon!

Full Video interview coming soon!

Five Tips for Mobilizing College Students with Katy White

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Are you working to mobilize the next generation? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with changes in communication, technology, or culture? In this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave talks with Katy White. Katy is a missions mobilizer with a passion for helping the emerging generation find their place in God's global work. Katy works for GoCorps, where she leads the process of mobilizing recent college graduates to use their degree overseas in two-year mission placements.

Katy provides five practical tips to mobilize Gen Z as they enter college, and beyond. This episode will help equip and empower you to mobilize today's college students.

Topics Discussed:

  • Who is the next generation? What are their strengths and weaknesses?

  • What are some tips to mobilizing these students to the nations?

    • #1 Be Present Where They are Interacting

    • #2 Speak to their Motivation

    • #3 Speak to their Fears

    • #4 Mid-Term Focus

    • #5 Believe in Them!

Navigating Closed Doors in Mobilization with Carol Ghattas

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What do you do when a missions mobilization door seems to close? Whether it's a global pandemic, people struggling with life controlling addictions, or facing health challenges, this episode will equip you with ways to navigate the seemingly closed doors of serving in missions.
Listen in as Dave has a conversation with Carol Ghattas. Carol has served for over twenty years in overseas missions, the majority of that time in the Middle East and North Africa, and has vast experience with closed doors.

This episode will equip mobilizers, missionaries, missions pastors and leaders, or those interested in learning more about life overseas to remain mobilized for the long haul when challenges arise.

Topics Discussed:

  1. What motivated you to write this book?

  2. Why would someone who is feeling called to missions want to read a book about closed doors? Wouldn’t that stop them from taking that step into service?

  3. Is this book just for people getting ready to serve, or do you have others in mind as well?

  4. I see one of your chapters is about doors that won’t even open. Can you explain that a bit more? What does it look like?

  5. This may not be an easy book for some readers. Why do you write about doors that close because it’s your fault?

Theology of Mobilization with Ryan Shaw

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Show Notes:

Where are all our fellow theology nerds? 🙋‍♀️

Today, Dave interviews Ryan Shaw, the International Lead Facilitator of Global Mission Mobilization Initiative (GMMI) and host of the Mission Mobilization Chats podcast.

Ryan explains a theology of mobilization throughout the Scriptures which, in turn, impacts our mobilization praxis. The two discuss the following questions:

  1. How is God a mobilizer God?

  2. Where does mobilization start in the Scriptures?

  3. For what purpose did God choose Israel?

  4. How was Jesus a mobilizer?

  5. Why is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost significant to missions mobilization?

  6. What can we learn from Paul's example as a mobilizer?

  7. How should this understanding of a theology of mobilization impact our mobilization praxis & strategies?

If you love theology and mobilization like we do, this is an episode you don't want to miss!

Families That Mobilize with Annette & Janea Koop

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On this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave has a conversation with Janea and Annette Koop. Janea is a freshman at Trinity Bible College & Graduate School in Ellendale, ND. Janea’s mom Annette has been married to Kevin for 34yrs, they have 2 Biological children and 11 adopted children.

Have you ever wondered how your family can help mobilize missionaries? Have you considered how to teach missions to your own family? This episode will give practical insights on why and how to intentionally teach your family about missions. The family plays an important role in mobilization!

Gospel Privilege with David Joannes

I think the lack of gospel access is the greatest injustice of all time.
— David Joannes

In today’s podcast, Dave interviews David Joannes about his newly-released book, Gospel Privilege. Joannes is a leading advocate for unreached peoples, founder and president of Within Reach Global, and has published several other books in addition to Gospel Privilege.

The two discuss the definition of gospel privilege and the responsibility required of those who have access to the gospel. Additionally, they break down the concept of theological drift and how leaders can take action to fight this mobilization inhibitor.

Joannes brings his passion for the unreached, along with a call to action and a word of encouragement for mobilizers today. This is a great resource for understanding why it is so important to take up your unique role in missions!

Topics Discussed:

  • Why did you write the book Gospel Privilege?

  • Can you explain and unpack the term, “Gospel Privilege”’?

  • Why is gospel access significant? Aren’t all people equally lost?

  • How can Christian leaders help solve the issue of theological drift and the lack of Bible engagement in our world today?

  • How can mobilizers utilize your new book as a mobilization tool?

Show Notes:

Full video interview coming soon!

Full video interview coming soon!