Mobilizing in Light of the Global Body of Christ with Gina Zurlo

How can data and statistics help mobilize believers? Today, were blessed to hear from one of the BBC’s 100 most inspiring and influential women of 2019, Gina Zurlo, the Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity. In her recent book, Portraits of Global Christianity, Gina unpacks how students were mobilized to action by their beloved professor, Dr. Todd Johnson. Join host Dave Jacob as he chats with Gina about missionary sending throughout the world. Here’s what the two discussed:

  1. Tell us about the book and why you wrote it. Why is it important for mobilizers to understand the Portraits of Global Christianity?

  2. One of my favorite graphs is the world as 100 Christians. Could you highlight that for us?

  3. What significant missionary-sending and receiving changes have occurred in the last 20-50 years?

  4. What are some of the reasons why most missionaries go to places where the church already exists?

  5. How can missionaries sent from the West better partner with our brothers and sisters from the Global South? 

  6. We know that some mistakes in missions history prohibit some from answering the call. How can mobilizers address things like colonialism in missions past?

  7. What else do you feel is important for mobilizers to know?

Show Notes:
Center for the Study of Global Christianity
Book: Portraits of Global Christianity by Gina Zurlo 
Gospel Mobilization Podcast Episode 34:  Missionaries in an Age of Global Christianity with Todd Johnson 
World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition 
Atlas of Global Christianity